Ironically, plough rhymes with cow, but not cough.

I visited the Plow & Hearth store in Madison, Virginia, and for some reason I thought it was spelled "Plough." Well, the store doesn't, but it turns out that plough is an alternate spelling of plow, both the noun and verb. The store has always been "Plow & Hearth" so I must have made up my spelling. But here's a new random tidbit I learned:

"Plow and hearth" refers to a stick (plow) that was rubbed in a grooved piece of wood (hearth) by people to start fires.

Don't burn yourself applying that knowledge!


Anonymous said...

Plough is the English spelling. American English has robbed the word of its correct, bamboozling, spelling.

a2z said...

So, now what's with "slough" which rhymes with glue, but not dough? I am enjoying your random factoids. thanks!